

The School has a Dual Mission: Teaching and Research.

In teaching we are committed to educate, train, and maintain competency of pharmacy practitioners and pharmaceutical scientists, and to convey to students basic pharmaceutical knowledge, responsibility to the community, and motivation to excel.

In research we are dedicated to the creativity, innovation, and translational and applied research in pharmaceutical, medicinal, and pharmacological sciences. The spectrum of research projects is broad and diverse. Research collaborations within the School’s faculty and hospital physicians is extensive. This enables us to approach drug research and development in a rational manner, through computational and biological screening, synthesis, formulation, studying the mode of action, toxicity, and drug development.

School of Pharmacy graduates are integrated into community pharmacies (private and institutional community pharmacies), clinical pharmacies (hospitals and health maintenance organizations), the pharmaceutical industry, the biological industry, chemical, biotechnology, health administration, and scientific and research institutions in Israel and abroad.

School researchers conduct extensive scientific research in pharmaceutical and life sciences, contributing to dozens of articles published every year in the world's leading science journals.

The School of Pharmacy is part of the Faculty of Medicine, located at the Ein Kerem campus of The Hebrew University and closely collaborates with physicians and researchers at the Hadassah Medical Center.


The School runs five educational programs:

• Undergraduate degree in Pharmacy (B.Sc.Pharm)

• Conversion program for candidates who have an academic degree in sciences (B.Sc.Pharm)

• Excellence in Pharmaceutical Sciences program (B.Sc.Pharm and M.Sc)

• M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Science program

• Doctoral program in Clinical Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)


The Institute for Drug Research

The School of Pharmacy research groups are organized in the Institute for Drug Research (IDR) that consists of all faculty members of the School, including emeriti. The research teams cover the disciplines relevant to drug development:

Medicinal Chemistry – computational design of bioactive agents, synthesis and isolation of new biologically active compounds; modification of drugs and development of

strategies for multistep synthesis of natural compounds, nucleic acids, and proteins; synthesis of biopolymers and biomacromolecules.

Pharmaceutical Sciences - development of new formulations for the delivery and targeting of bioactive agents, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies, and research in the fields of nanotechnology, gene therapy, tissue engineering, pharmaceutical engineering, and imaging.

Pharmacology – investigate mechanisms of bioactive compound actions; study structure activity relationship of potential drugs; study aging and pathology mechanisms of allergy, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Autism, brain trauma, diabetes; and, research addiction to drugs and alcohol to develop new treatments for these pathologies.

• Clinical Pharmacy - investigate public use of medications; big data analysis of medical technologies


Within the School of Pharmacy there are four research centers that encourage, support, and promote research relevant to each center:


1) The David R. Bloom Center for Pharmaceutical Sciences, inaugurated in October 1991 in recognition of Mr. Bloom's activities in the field of Pharmacy.

2) The Alex Grass Center for Drug Design and Novel Therapeutics, inaugurated in 1993, in appreciation of the long-term and continuing philanthropic activities of Mr. Alex Grass on behalf of the Hebrew University.

3) The Adolph and Klara Berettler Medical Research Center for pharmacological research, inaugurated in 1984 in appreciation of the Berettler family.

4) The Hebrew University Multidisciplinary Center for Cannabinoid Research, founded in 2017, is dedicated to promote knowledge and research in the field of cannabinoids, from plant to medication.



The School of Pharmacy has its own Equipment Unit that provides analytical services for IDR's research groups as well as to outside companies and organizations. The unit instrumentation and analytical services include all required for pharmaceutical development, including: NMR, FTIR, LCMS, GCMS, DSC, particle size analyzers, etc.

The School of Pharmacy at The Hebrew University, a world leader in pharmacist training and basic research in the pharmaceutical sciences, was established in 1953. The School prepares its graduates to practice in the pharmacy profession, provides them with a scientific and professional foundation, and offers higher studies in pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, and pharmacy sciences (M.Sc. and Ph.D.), as well as doctoral studies in clinical pharmacy (Pharm.D.).

Graduates of the School are integrated into community pharmacy (community pharmacies, private and institutional), clinical pharmacy (hospitals and health funds), the pharmaceutical industry, the biological, chemical and biotechnology industries, pharmacy administration, and science and research institutions in Israel and abroad. The School conducts extensive scientific research in the fields of pharmaceutical sciences and life sciences. Dozens of articles are published each year in leading publications in the world of science.

The School of Pharmacy is part of the Faculty of Medicine, located on the Ein Karem campus of The Hebrew University and works closely with physicians and researchers from Hadassah Hospital.